Vision & Mission
Long Term :
  • To improve the health and psychological status of school children community with the target coverage of 12,000 school children of 12 schools by the end of 5 years.
  • To lobby with the Government Education Department and school authority for adopting model approach on health and psychological care for school student suffering from slow learning and learning disability.
  • A comprehensive all purpose data bank of 12,000 families for any scientific exposure and for a cross sectional and / or longitudinal studies pertaining to their knowledge, attitude, behaviour etc.
  • Development of standard assessment tools for evaluation of school children culturally appropriate longitudinal and cross sectional studies using observation in natural setting in the area of developmental processes and learning disability.
  • Assisting the teachers to come over stress - The teachers are often over stressed because of dealing with varieties of students. They may have stress at home which might carry with them at school. This might adversely affect their profession. We intend to counsel and assist them in getting rid of this perennial problem.
  • Yoga Practice - It has been established that Yoga plays a vital role in mental tranquility. We shall provide Yoga therapy for the teachers that will help them lot in their day-to-day life.

Short Term :

  • To provide yearly health check up facilities for all target children;
  • To develop individual medical report for the target children;
  • To conduct a workshop for Teachers on slow learning and learning disability by professionals.
  • To provide counseling services for students on psychological problems relating to learning disabilities.
  • To provide counseling services for parents on psychological problems of their ward.
  • To introduce telephone-counseling servicing unit "HELPLINE" attended round the clock by professionals for the students and their parents.
  • To encourage participation of children in the Inter-School competitions related to health.
  • To publish health magazines for dissemination of health information among school children containing articles on mental retardation, learning disabilities, sex education, Aids, drug addiction etc.
  • To make the target children health-conscious and sensitize their parents or care providers regarding child psychology;
  • To develop mental spirit of target children for protecting environment
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