The website is intended for the education and interaction of the school children who can find this a means to educate, learn and interact among the fellow students. It is also meant for the parents and the teachers. Students can participate in the Chat session and contribute to the rich frame of art work. The pictures of the school (teachers and students) and the artwork/drawings made by the students have been drawn from different sources. These are copyright protected. The posters of NIBS, the parent body of Project Guardian too has displayed certain posters on metal health. Please do not try to copy these as they are copy right protected.

In the event any one has objection for display of their pictures, He/She may write to us and we shall remove them from the website instantaneously. For that Please write to us. The information given in the website is to be treated as literacy campaign. It should not be treated as encroaching some ones' personal property. We shall rectify our error, if any, if pointed out to us.

Please write to us if you find any scope to improve upon the displays.

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